UPDATE September 2016
We have had some useful links submitted regarding exercise and healthy eating, these have been added in the relevant sections below.
2016 European Healthy Workplaces Campaign October 2016 - LINK
Highways England is supporting this campaign and aims to have events in most regional offices, watch your noticeboards for details. Please use the resources provided here to support your own events.
The British Heart Foundation has published some useful guidance to help you run your own event - LINK
The Mens Health Forum have published 2 very engaging 'Haynes' Man & Woman manuals which can also help;
Man Manual
Woman Manual
We have had some useful links submitted regarding exercise and healthy eating, these have been added in the relevant sections below.
2016 European Healthy Workplaces Campaign October 2016 - LINK
Highways England is supporting this campaign and aims to have events in most regional offices, watch your noticeboards for details. Please use the resources provided here to support your own events.
The British Heart Foundation has published some useful guidance to help you run your own event - LINK
The Mens Health Forum have published 2 very engaging 'Haynes' Man & Woman manuals which can also help;
Man Manual
Woman Manual
Thank you to those that completed our feedback survey, the results were very positive. Please download the full reports below;
Thank you to those that completed our feedback survey, the results were very positive. Please download the full reports below;
oh_campaign_feedback.pdf |
health_campaign_survey_spreadsheet.xlsx |
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Campaign
This campaign has been developed by the delivery hub to assist your company comply with the latest information and industry best practices. There will be posters, briefing sheets, portal articles, powerpoint presentations and news letters to assist in the promotion of Occupational Health and Wellbeing.
The campaign will run over three months, starting in August with Blood Pressure Awareness, this will be followed in September with Personal Wellbeing. The campaign will conclude in October with Noise and Dust as part of European Health and Safety Week.
Month 1 - Healthy Heart & Blood Pressure - August 2015 Campaign
The links below provide access to campaign materials, the size of the contract and preferences on self-delivery or outsourcing will influence the level of resource required. Campaign options are provided below ranging from free leaflets for smaller contracts to British Heart Foundation (BHF) run health and wellbeing days for the larger contracts.
1. Access and Download British Heart Foundation information leaflets. https://www.bhf.org.uk/publications
2. Use video clips to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrDSVpUUbwA&feature=youtu.be to help reinforce CPR basics during toolbox talks.
3. Make the campaign interactive - ensure the contract has a blood pressure monitor for self-checks. Upper arm style recommended rather than wrist.
Blood pressure monitors can be sourced from most High Street health retailers. For example Boots or Superdrug etc.
Note – these will give an indication of blood pressure, before making any lifestyle changes individuals should consult their GP. Read ‘How to measure BP’ available within the supporting documents.
Pedometers can then continue to be used the following month for the wellbeing campaign.
4. Contact British Heart Foundation for attendance at site, they have two main options:
a. Heart Health Workshops
Heart Health Workshops are ideal for workplaces looking for a short presentation (45-60 minutes), for between 30 and 40 employees.
A BHF experts will come to your workplace and deliver a presentation on heart health and the risk factors for heart disease, followed by interactive activities such as discussions, quizzes and games using 'food cards' and alcohol measures.
These workshops are priced at £300. For more information and to register your interest please visit https://www.bhf.org.uk/health-at-work/events/heart-health-workshops
b. Health and Wellbeing Days
A Health and Wellbeing Day is an opportunity to engage your workforce and to show them how important health and wellbeing is within your organisation.
A team of BHF experts, including a Dietician and a physical activity expert, will attend site to deliver fun and interactive sessions, raising awareness of various health issues and promoting a healthier lifestyle.
The day focuses on four key areas: physical activity, healthy eating, mental wellbeing, and changing habits in relation to alcohol and smoking.
These days are priced from £1800 – £2900 depending how many staff you want to involve. If you are interested in booking a Health and Wellbeing Day or would like more information please visit
1. Campaign Guide
1. Campaign Guide
oh_campaign_guide.docx |
Month 1 - Healthy Heart & Blood Pressure RESOURCES
3. Blood Pressure Testing Presentation
3. Blood Pressure Testing Presentation
blood_pressure_testing_aug_2015_(1).ppt |
4. Blood Pressure Testing PDF
blood_pressure_testing_aug_2015.pdf |
5. Blood Pressure Testing Poster
blood_pressure_testing_poster.pdf |
6. BP Fact sheet How To Test Your BP
bp_factsheet_-_how_to_test_your_bp.docx |
7. BPA Healthy Eating
bpahealthyeatinglores.pdf |
8. BPA Healthy Lifestyle
bpahealthylifestylelores.pdf |
Selection of online healthy living resources
10 Easy, At-Home Exercises You Can Do With Your Kids
Gardening at Home with Kids
Senior Fitness for Beginners
The 7 Pieces of Equipment You Really Need in Your Home Gym
13 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day
Improve Your Health From Your Kitchen
Healthy Ways to Avoid Temptation and Stick to Your Health Goals
Exercise at Home with Your Home Fitness Equipment
Winter fitness: Safety tips for exercising outdoors
Culinary Cautions: Obesity Epidemic
How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out When It’s Dark and Cold
13 Ways to Deal With Food Temptation
Gardening at Home with Kids
Senior Fitness for Beginners
The 7 Pieces of Equipment You Really Need in Your Home Gym
13 Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day
Improve Your Health From Your Kitchen
Healthy Ways to Avoid Temptation and Stick to Your Health Goals
Exercise at Home with Your Home Fitness Equipment
Winter fitness: Safety tips for exercising outdoors
Culinary Cautions: Obesity Epidemic
How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out When It’s Dark and Cold
13 Ways to Deal With Food Temptation
9. BPA Measuring At Home
bpameasuringbpathomelores.pdf |
10. BP Leaflet
generalbpleaflet.pdf |
Month 2 – Personal Wellbeing – September 2015 Campaign.
In order to raise the profile of the personal wellbeing campaign each contract is to run a campaign on one or more wellbeing topics. Suggested topics are given below along with contacts to purchase or hire items to increase the impact of the campaign.
An excellent video has been produced featuring some of our BMJV colleagues that reinforces the importance of being healthy through personal stories;
a. Healthy Eating – Smoothie Bike
There are a variety of suppliers of smoothie bikes who can help to engage the workforce in discussions on healthy eating and provide smoothies to achieve 5 a day.
Possible Suppliers:
Love Smoothie Bike. Price dependent upon package.
Smoothie Bike Hire. From £329 (no VAT) for 200 7oz smoothies.
Type ‘smoothie bike’ into an internet search engine for additional suppliers.
b. Pedometers
There are a variety of suppliers of pedometers to encourage people to get walking – set a competition between teams and see how far you can walk. Costs will vary dependent upon order size and artwork, however should be c. £4.35 per unit for small orders (250) to £3.46 per unit for large orders (2500).
Challenge Packs can also be obtained for BHF in return for a donation.
c. Hydration
Type ‘Roll up Water Bottle’ into an internet search engine and there are a variety of suppliers who can provide roll up water bottles. Costs will vary on order size and artwork however should be c.£1.70 per unit for small orders (<50) reducing to under £1.00 for large orders (1000+).
These have proved popular on sites where this has trialled with the workforce freezing the bottles at home overnight so they defrost through the day providing cool water.
Posters are available within the resource microsite.
d. Giving Up Smoking
There are a variety of tools available
e. Mental Health Awareness
Pressure and fatigue can result in stress but it is important to recognise that everyone is different and the same external forces may result in a different outcome for different people.
As a starting point the campaign can raise awareness and get people talking openly about mental health and where they can source help and assistance. A free line manager’s pack is available at http://mhfaengland.org/files/5613/9101/5215/MHFA_Line_Managers_Resource.pdf
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) can offer counselling and advice for particular cases, each delivery partner would need to provide information on the service available by their EAP service provider who will tailor advice and support to each individual case.
To progress the campaign further, mental health training is available. This will help personnel to recognise signs and symptoms so that proactive measures can be taken.
Mental Health First Aid offer a two-day course at c. £300pp. This may be discounted through local TUC or NHS Trusts.
f. Skin Cancer Awareness
Skin Cancer Awareness posters are available in a variety of languages on the MacMillian website http://be.macmillan.org.uk/be/s-674-cancer-type-s.aspx. You will need to create an account on the website but this is free to do.
Further free guidance is available to download from Cancer Research.
http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/type/skin-cancer/. Each section has a summary document that can be used as a toolbox talk.
Month 2 Personal Wellbeing RESOURCES
11. Health at Work Mental Wellbeing Posters
In order to raise the profile of the personal wellbeing campaign each contract is to run a campaign on one or more wellbeing topics. Suggested topics are given below along with contacts to purchase or hire items to increase the impact of the campaign.
An excellent video has been produced featuring some of our BMJV colleagues that reinforces the importance of being healthy through personal stories;
a. Healthy Eating – Smoothie Bike
There are a variety of suppliers of smoothie bikes who can help to engage the workforce in discussions on healthy eating and provide smoothies to achieve 5 a day.
Possible Suppliers:
Love Smoothie Bike. Price dependent upon package.
Smoothie Bike Hire. From £329 (no VAT) for 200 7oz smoothies.
Type ‘smoothie bike’ into an internet search engine for additional suppliers.
b. Pedometers
There are a variety of suppliers of pedometers to encourage people to get walking – set a competition between teams and see how far you can walk. Costs will vary dependent upon order size and artwork, however should be c. £4.35 per unit for small orders (250) to £3.46 per unit for large orders (2500).
Challenge Packs can also be obtained for BHF in return for a donation.
c. Hydration
Type ‘Roll up Water Bottle’ into an internet search engine and there are a variety of suppliers who can provide roll up water bottles. Costs will vary on order size and artwork however should be c.£1.70 per unit for small orders (<50) reducing to under £1.00 for large orders (1000+).
These have proved popular on sites where this has trialled with the workforce freezing the bottles at home overnight so they defrost through the day providing cool water.
Posters are available within the resource microsite.
d. Giving Up Smoking
There are a variety of tools available
e. Mental Health Awareness
Pressure and fatigue can result in stress but it is important to recognise that everyone is different and the same external forces may result in a different outcome for different people.
As a starting point the campaign can raise awareness and get people talking openly about mental health and where they can source help and assistance. A free line manager’s pack is available at http://mhfaengland.org/files/5613/9101/5215/MHFA_Line_Managers_Resource.pdf
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) can offer counselling and advice for particular cases, each delivery partner would need to provide information on the service available by their EAP service provider who will tailor advice and support to each individual case.
To progress the campaign further, mental health training is available. This will help personnel to recognise signs and symptoms so that proactive measures can be taken.
Mental Health First Aid offer a two-day course at c. £300pp. This may be discounted through local TUC or NHS Trusts.
f. Skin Cancer Awareness
Skin Cancer Awareness posters are available in a variety of languages on the MacMillian website http://be.macmillan.org.uk/be/s-674-cancer-type-s.aspx. You will need to create an account on the website but this is free to do.
Further free guidance is available to download from Cancer Research.
http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/type/skin-cancer/. Each section has a summary document that can be used as a toolbox talk.
Month 2 Personal Wellbeing RESOURCES
11. Health at Work Mental Wellbeing Posters
health-at-work-interactive-poster--mental-wellbeing-black-text-version__1_.pdf |
health-at-work-interactive-poster--mental-wellbeing-red-text-version__1_.pdf |
12. Healthy Eating - Know Your Numbers
healthy_eating_-_know_your_numbers.pdf |
20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables
40 Ways to Sneak Veggies Into Any Meal Without Sacrificing Flavor
25 Cheap Foods That Are Good for You
Staying Healthy at Work an Actionable Guide
40 Ways to Sneak Veggies Into Any Meal Without Sacrificing Flavor
25 Cheap Foods That Are Good for You
Staying Healthy at Work an Actionable Guide
13. Hydration
highways_england_-_hydration_1.docx |
highways_england_-_hydration_2.docx |
hydration_-_urine_colour_chart.pdf |
14. Mental Health Pub Quiz
highways_england_-_mental_health_pub_quiz.docx |
highways_england_-_mental_health_pub_quiz_answers.docx |
15. Skin Cancer
highways_england_-_skin_cancer_1.docx |
16. Mental Health - Stress
mental_health_-_stress_is_a_perception..pdf |
Month 3 - Dust & Noise - October 2015 Campaign
The theme for this months campaign is controlling the risk from harmful exposure to dust and noise. This campaign compliments the raising the bar guidance covering control of dust and noise which can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/health-and-safety-for-major-road-schemes-raising-the-bar-initiative
17. Approved Construction Dust Expert Guide
The theme for this months campaign is controlling the risk from harmful exposure to dust and noise. This campaign compliments the raising the bar guidance covering control of dust and noise which can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/health-and-safety-for-major-road-schemes-raising-the-bar-initiative
17. Approved Construction Dust Expert Guide
approved_construction_dust_expert_guide.pdf |
18. Dust Suppression Poster
highways_england_-_dust_suppression_poster.docx |
19. RPE Poster
highways_england-_rpe_poster.docx |
20. Toolbox Talk - Silica
highways_england_toolbox_talk_1_silica.docx |
21. Toolbox Talk - Dust & RPE
highways_england_toolbox_talk_2_dust___rpe.docx |
22. Toolbox Talk - On Tool Extraction
highways_england_toolbox_talk_3_on_tool_extraction.docx |
23. Toolbox Talk - Use of Cut Off Saws
highways_england_toolbox_talk_4_use_of_cut_off_saws.docx |
24. Dust Extraction Products
milwaukee_dust_extraction_products.pptx |
25. Useful Links Regarding Dust Control
The BOHS Breathe Freely campaign has produced some excellent material on controlling dust exposures in the construction sector http://www.breathefreely.org.uk/
There is also some good stuff on HSE's construction pages http://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/healthrisks/hazardous-substances/construction-dust.htm and also the skin pages http://www.hse.gov.uk/skin/
The NEPSI Good Practice Guide also has some good material, specifically on RCS http://www.nepsi.eu/media/2276/good%20practice%20guide%20-%20english%20original%20additional%20task%20sheets%20(251006%20modified%2016072012).pdf
There's a great clip on Youtube which I think very effectively communicates the risks around RCS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_sC2wX9Uwc
These may also be of interest :
26. Useful Links Regarding Noise Control From HSL
information on noise management attached here as links to the construction noise webpages and the construction noise operational guidance. The operational guidance is useful as it outlines what HSE inspectors will look for in respect of risk for noise and therefore helps prioritise action for control. There is an e-learning product http://www.hsl.gov.uk/products/hearing-conservation-e-learning-from-hsl-and-3m which provides information on why noise is a problem and what to do about it. This can be purchased as a single license for an individual to use or HSL can adapt the materials and deliver as a workshop.
The BOHS Breathe Freely campaign has produced some excellent material on controlling dust exposures in the construction sector http://www.breathefreely.org.uk/
There is also some good stuff on HSE's construction pages http://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/healthrisks/hazardous-substances/construction-dust.htm and also the skin pages http://www.hse.gov.uk/skin/
The NEPSI Good Practice Guide also has some good material, specifically on RCS http://www.nepsi.eu/media/2276/good%20practice%20guide%20-%20english%20original%20additional%20task%20sheets%20(251006%20modified%2016072012).pdf
There's a great clip on Youtube which I think very effectively communicates the risks around RCS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_sC2wX9Uwc
These may also be of interest :
26. Useful Links Regarding Noise Control From HSL
information on noise management attached here as links to the construction noise webpages and the construction noise operational guidance. The operational guidance is useful as it outlines what HSE inspectors will look for in respect of risk for noise and therefore helps prioritise action for control. There is an e-learning product http://www.hsl.gov.uk/products/hearing-conservation-e-learning-from-hsl-and-3m which provides information on why noise is a problem and what to do about it. This can be purchased as a single license for an individual to use or HSL can adapt the materials and deliver as a workshop.
27. UPDATE April 2018 - Video Noise Induced Hearing Loss - Hearing Conservation - Take Care Of Your Hearing