Lost Loads
Lost Loads continue to be a significant health and safety hazard within our and every industry involving transportation, loading and unloading of materials, tools and equipment.
Across suppliers and maintainers to Highways England, there have been numerous incidents in recent years involving lost loads on the strategic road network, putting the travelling public and workforce at risk of significant injury. The most significant lost load incidents in the United Kingdom have tragically resulted in fatalities and life changing injuries to road users and pedestrians.
Routinely, the root cause of these incidents includes poor planning, unsuitable vehicle selection, lack of operator training, poor industry norms, a lack of appreciation of the risks and responsibilities involved and regarding load security.
Across suppliers and maintainers to Highways England, there have been numerous incidents in recent years involving lost loads on the strategic road network, putting the travelling public and workforce at risk of significant injury. The most significant lost load incidents in the United Kingdom have tragically resulted in fatalities and life changing injuries to road users and pedestrians.
Routinely, the root cause of these incidents includes poor planning, unsuitable vehicle selection, lack of operator training, poor industry norms, a lack of appreciation of the risks and responsibilities involved and regarding load security.
Common Intent Document

common_intent_-_lost_load_avoidance_final_-_rev_1.0.pdf |
Relevant Raising The Bar Document

rtb36_lost_loads.pdf |
Documents To Support Elimination Phase
Documents To Support Isolation Phase
Documents To Support Administrative Control Phase
Emergency And Incident Response
Related Training Material
Toolbox Talks

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Alerts & Incident Reviews